Cardholder Credit Card Authorization FormCardholder NameBilling AddressCredit Card NumberCVVYour emailPhone/MobileExpiration DateCard Type– Select –VisaAmexDiscoverMaster CardOtherAmount to be charged (optional)Your message (optional)Photo Id or Driver License Both Side Choose File Credit Card Both Side Choose File OTHERChoose File AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE I agree & I am requesting chauffeur on demand to use my credit card as a method of payment. I am submitting the creditcard information below voluntarily and I authorize chauffeur on demand to use the credit card for the pickup of the passenger listed above.I understand that the passenger will not be allowed to schedule and charge additional bookings with chauffeur on demand without my exclusive written authorization and that all miscellaneous charges(phone, extra stops, etc.) will also be charged to my credit card unless otherwise noted(if miscellaneous charges are to be restricted, please see note below). I also understand that in the event of a no show (in which the passenger does not arrive as scheduled and chauffeur on demand has already dispatched a vehicle for the pickup). I am still responsible for the full amount of transfer rate.I am also giving permission to chauffeur on demand to get pre-authorization on my credit card for the service requested and that chauffeur on demand will provide the service requested pending authorization on my credit card.Submit